Nives Fezzardi Hobby poetess since 2 June 1990 with the “Festival del Sole”.” Davide dArgento” for 6...
Nives Fezzardi Hobby poetess since 2 June 1990 with the “Festival del Sole”.” Davide dArgento” for 6th place in the competition “Accademia dEuropa” Prize “AllAlba del Terzo Millenio” presented to Santo Karol as Anthology. Prize “La Palma doro” at the Book Fair in 2015. Commendation Solemn at the Competition in honor of Rita Levi Montalcini. "Perfume of Anemones" Award and First Place in the 5th Edition 2017 of the National and International Literary Competition "We will overcome serious illnesses". Peace Progress Humanity Award. "Alda Merini" Award, "Honorable Mention" Award at the "Poets United in Charity" Competition in favor of the earthquake-stricken towns of Lazio, Calendar of the Poet Nives Fezzardi and the "Solidarity in Verses" initiative created by me to donate the proceeds to a country hit by the earthquake, I contributed to the publication of the "4 Canonical Gospels" and to the "Divine Comedy with the Song of Hell" and "Purgatory"." Frulli dali” Award dedicated to the school collapse in Molise. “The 500 Lost Poets” Award. Participant in the anthology "The Poets of Solidarity". “Whispers of an Angel” my collection of Poems published by Pagine, Ed ora Ilcalendaro del Poeta 2018, whose proceeds from sales I donate to the Association against Femicide which awarded me the “Io non ho Paura” Award. "The 2018 World Cup" at the International Poetry Review "Spirit and matter in the dialectic of Contemporary Art". Honorable Mention at the International Literary Award "Trofeo Penna dAutore." "City of Craiova" Award, European City of Art and Culture and exhibition of 2 works in the art gallery of Romania, Series "Poets in the World 2016". Poetry Marathon 15 Poems in the World. Finalist in the International Literary Competition with my collection of poems "The voice of the heart". Senator for Life of the Mycenaean Academy of Reggio Calabria. Published two Stories with Pages namely "The gift of Love" and "The Blue Angel" plus two other unpublished works awarded at the International Literary Competition We will win serious illnesses entitled "The gift of Life" and "Wish to react. I attended the Reading of Poems which was held in Rome on 26 November c.a. at the Tor di Nona Theater and organized by Pagine. I received an honorable mention at the Michelangelo Buonarroti Literary Competition on November 24th. I collaborated on the Riflessi Perspectives Vibrations Colors Traces and Messages series with the Pagine publishing house and participated in the Poets Agenda 2016. I received medals of Beenemerence from the Mycenaean Academy having been elected Senator for life. Senator for life of the Friends of Umbria Association. Participated in the "Poetry Marathon - 15 poems for the world" in San Remo, participated in the "Giro dItalia of framed poems" and numerous other awards from the Literary Oscar to the Trophy of Nations to simple honorable mentions in the various competitions held in Italy but sometimes international. Thanks to pages, youtube videos have been made inspired by my poems and with very important social and cultural themes as a message to society as well. I write with my heart and out of passion, I have tried to convey shareable values, feelings and emotions and in my everyday life I am a simple worker with no educational qualifications. The gratification of the literary critics having met the Illustrious Montalcini in person in a competition organized by Passport 2000 in Rome where the Journalist of the Holy Karol awarded me with the dedication on the diploma "To Pirandello", "With Nives Fezzardi, poetry is music" or present myself before the Holy Pope Woityla, for me it was an honor and has an indescribable human value. I am simple and I reach hearts.